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911 - Dispatch




The Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Office Communications Center is the only 24/7 public safety answering point (PSAP) within the jurisdictional boundary of Clear Creek County. The Communications Center is solely responsible for answering all emergency calls for service and dispatching emergency apparatus for the Clear Creek Sheriff’s Office, Clear Creek Fire Authority, Clear Creek Emergency Medical Service (EMS), Idaho Springs Police Department, Empire Police Department, Georgetown Marshal’s Office, and the Alpine Rescue Team.

Additionally, inbound 911 calls for that portion of the Evergreen Fire District within Clear Creek County and wireless calls for the southern portion of Gilpin County are handled and routed through the Communications Center. The Clear Creek County Communications Center handles approximately 23,000 calls to 911 annually.





Clear Creek Advocates

619 5th Street ~ PO Box 21

Georgetown CO 80444


Clear Creek Advocates is an Equal Opportunity Provider. It is Advocates’ policy to provide equal opportunity in services to all qualified persons. Advocates does not consider sex, race, color, religion, age, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, veteran status, marital status or any other protected status in its decisions regarding access to services

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